




This is a list of publications from members of NOCIES published in




Please see the archive for earlier publications.




Andersen, B. and Biseth, H. (2013). The Myth of Failed Integration:

The Case of Eastern Oslo. City & Society 25(1): 5-24


Biseth, H. and Holmarsdottir, H. B. (Eds.) (2013). Human Rights in the Field of Comparative Education: Volume II Conference proceedings from the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Biseth, H. and Holmarsdottir, H. B. (2013). Human Rights in the

Field of Comparative Education: Mapping Ways of Understanding Human

Rights. In: H. Biseth and H. B. Holmarsdottir (Eds.), Human Rights in the Field of Comparative Education (pp. 1-11). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Hatlevik, O. E. and Gudmundsdottir, G. B. (2013). An emerging digital divide in urban school children´s information literacy: Challenging equity in the Norwegian school system.  First Monday 18(4).  Retrieved May 10, 2013 at


Holmarsdottir, H. B. (2013). The idea of North/South and South-South collaboration. Compare, 43(2): 265-286


Holmarsdottir, H. B. (2013). Moving beyound the numbers: What does gender equality and equity really mean? In: H. B. Holmarsdottir, V. Nomlomo, A. I. Farag and Z. Desai (Eds.), Gendered voices: reflections on gender and education in South Africa and Sudan. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Holmarsdottir, H. B., Nomlomo, V., Farag, A. I. & Desai, Z. (2013). Revisiting the discourses of gender equality, equity and education. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir, V. Nomlomo, A. I. Farag and Z. Desai (Eds.), Gendered voices: reflections on gender and education in South Africa and Sudan. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Piattoeva, N. (2013). Yleissivistävän koulun Yhtenäinen 
Valtakunnallinen Koe koulutuspoliittisena hallintana (School 
graduation exam as a governance technique in education policy). 
Idäntutkimus (Finnish Review of East European Studies), 20(1), 13-23

Piattoeva, N. (2013). Valtion legitimiteetti ja kansalaiskasvatus 
Suomen ja Venäjän koulutuspoliittisissa asiakirjoissa 1990-2000 
luvulla (State legitimacy and civic education in Finnish and Russian 
documents on education policy in the 1990-2000s). Aikuiskasvatus 
(Finnish Journal of Adult Education), 33
(1), 38-48


Sevincer, V. and Biseth, H. (2013). Tension between National

Citizenship and in Greece and Turkey. In: H. Biseth and H. B. Holmarsdottir (Eds.) (2013). Human Rights in the Field of Comparative Education (pp. 63-80). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers











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