




This is a list of publications from members of NOCIES published in




Please see the archive for earlier publications.




Bekele,T. A. (2009). Cognitive skills in Internet-supported learning environments in higher education: Research issues. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 3(4): 397-419


Biseth, H. (2009). Teachers' voices: challenges with democracy in multicultural Scandinavian schools. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 121-142). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Biseth, H. (2009). Hvordan har språk- og samfunnskunnskap betydning for deltakelse og medborgerskap? In: Hirsch, K. (Ed.), Språklæreren som formidler av kunnskap om kultur og samfunn: Dilemmaer og utfordringer i et flerkulturelt læringsmiljø (pp. 21-30). Trondheim: Senter for voksenopplæring


Biseth, H. (2009). Democracy and education in a multicultural Scandinavia: what mandate is designated to educators? In Intercultural Education, 20(3): 243-254


Biseth, H. (2009). Multilingualism and Education for Democracy. In International Review of Education, 55(1): 5-20


Daun, H. (2009). A way forward. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd(Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 281-308). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Frontini, S. (2009). Global influences and national peculiarities in education and training: the Finnish case. In: Holmarsdottir, H. and O'Dowd, M. (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 25-38). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Guðmundsdóttir, G. and Jakobsdóttir, S. (2009). A digital divide: challenges and opportunities for learners and schools on each side. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 173-201). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers 


Holmarsdottir, H. B. and O’Dowd, M. (Eds.)(2009.)Nordic Voices: Teaching and researching comparative and international education in the Nordic countries. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Holmarsdottir, H. B. (2009). A tale of two countries: researching language policy and practice in Namibia and South Africa. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 221-238). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Huang, L. (2009). Learning for work: Student career aspirations in China

and Norway. In: M-T. Talib, J. Loima, H. Paavola and S. Patrikainen

(Eds.), Dialogs on diversity and global education. Hamburg: Peter Lang


Huang, L. (2009). Gender segregation in student career aspirations in

Norwegian secondary schools. In: D. P. Baker, D. P. & A. W. Wiseman

(Eds.), Gender, equality and education from international and comparative

perspectives. International perspectives on education and society, Volume

10 (pp. 333-356). UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Huang, L. (2009). Social capital and student achievement in Norwegian

secondary schools. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(2): 320-325


Larsen, J. E. (2009). Johan Nicolai Madvig: the master of latin in Kierkegaard's Parnassus. In: J. Stewart (Ed.), Kierkegaard and his Danish contemporaries (pp. 225-233). Farnham: Ashgate


Lauglo, J. (2009). Private schools and social segregation in basic education: the case of Norway. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 97-120). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Milana, M. (2009). The post-Lisbon discourse on skills mismatch and competence upgrading. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 9-24). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


O'Dowd, M. (2009). Social cartography mapping in theory and practice: a method for visualizing discourse and social change. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 75-94). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


O’Dowd, M. (2009). Supranational Regimes and Their Consequences for

Education. Occasional Papers in Education & Lifelong Learning, Vol. 3, Nos

1-2, 2009, pp. 6-29.


O’Dowd, M. (2009). The God that Failed. Lifelong learning: From Utopianism

to Instrumentalism. The Bulgarian Comparative  Education Society,

Conference proceedings, Vol. 7, 2009. (eds) J. Ogunleye, B.

Leutwyler, C. Wolhuter and M. Mihova


Piattoeva, N. (2009). Citizenship education and intergovernmental organizations: contrasting the national model to the emerging post-national agenda. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 59-74). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Steensen, J. J. E. (2009). Teacher education students in Denmark and the USA. In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 143-158). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Takala, T. (2009). Making and implementing education policy in the context of external support to sector development programs: the case of Mozambique with comparisons.  In: H. B. Holmarsdottir and M. O'Dowd (Eds.), Nordic voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic countries (pp. 239-256). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers











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