




This is a list of publications from members of NOCIES published in




Please see the archive for earlier publications.




Bekele, T. A. (2010). Motivation and satisfaction impact of educational technologies:A Review. Educational Technology and Society, 13(2): 116-127


Bekele, T. A. &  Mnchaca, M. P. (2010). Critical thinking and problem solving skills in blended learning. Journal ofthe World Universities Forum, 3(1): 105-128


Biseth, H. (2010). Teaching human rights and education in South Sudan: some reflections. Intercultural Education, 21(6): 607-608


Biseth, H. (2010). Diversity and democracy in Scandinavian schools: Examples of good practices? In: C. Govaris & S. Kaldi (Eeds.), The educational challenge of cultural diversity in the international context (pp. 75-98). Münster: Waxmann


Biseth, H. (2010). Komparativ analyse av skolen i det multikulturelle samfunn: demokratiske utfordringer for profesjonsutøvere. In: B. Day & J. Steensen (Eds.), Kultur og etnicitet på arbejde: Professionelt arbejde i det flerkulturelle samfund (pp. 124-142). Århus: ViaSystime 


Gudmundsdottir, G. B. (2010). The use of ICT in South African classrooms and the double literacy trap. In: Z. Desai, M. Qorro & B. Brock-Utne (Eds.), Educational challenges in multilingual societies: LOITASA Phase 2 Research. Cape Town: African Minds


Gudmundsdottir, G. B. & Brock-Utne, B. (2010). An exploration  of the importance of piloting and access as action research. Journal of Educational Action Research18(3): 359-372


Gudmundsdottir, G. B. (2010). From digital divide to digital equity: Learners’ ICT competence in four primary schools in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology6(2),viewed July 27, 2010


Gudmundsdottir, G. B. (2010). When does ICT support education in South Africa? The importance of teachers’ capabilities and the relevance of language. Information Technology for Development16(3): 174-190


Huang, L. (2010). Peer relations and student achievement in the Norwegian

secondary schools. The International Journal of Learning, 16(12): 295-306


Huang, L. (2010). Inequalities among students in the Norwegian secondary

schools: A research project summary. In: D. Metheou and Y. Roussakis

(Eds). Quality and equality in education: Policies and practices in

comparative perspective. CESE Papers & Reports, Vol 1: 59-72. Athens:

Comparative Education Society in Europe


Milana, M (Ed.) (2010). BAEA: Becoming Adult educators in the European Area – Synthesisresearch report. Copenhagen: Danish School of Education, Aarhus University


Milana, M. (2010). Danish ‘Prospective’ Adult Educators are… Adult Learners! In: M. Weifang and L. Qvortrup (Eds.) Frameworks for Supporting Lifelong Learning (pp. 225-247). Beijing: Tongxin Publishing House


Milana, M. (2010). Everyday problem solving e apprendimento in età adulta [Everyday problem-solving and adult learning]. Roma: Cooperativa Libraria Nuova Cultura


Mossige, S. and Huang, L. (2010). The prevalence of sexual offences and

abuse within a Norwegian youth population. Norsk epidemiologisk tidsskrift,

20(1): 53-62 (in Norwegian)


O’Dowd, M. (2010). The Bologna Process and The Re-structuring of Higher

Education: Who will bear the brunt of “unexpected outcomes”? In: V.

Masemann (Ed.), Papers in Memory of David N. Wilson: Clamouring for a

Better World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


Piattoeva, N. (2010). Citizenship Education Policies and the State.
Russia and Finland in a comparative perspective
. Tampere: Tampere University Press


Piattoeva, N. (2010). Perceptions of the past and education of 
future citizens in contemporary Russia. In: A. Reid, J. Gill & 
A. Sears (Eds.), Globalisation, the Nation-State and the Citizen: 
Dilemmas and Directions for Civics and Citizenship Education
(pp. 128-1429. New York: Routledge

Piattoeva, N. (2010). Comparative education in global times. 
Teoksessa Järvelä, Maria-Liisa; Ritola, Laura & Sitomaniemi-San, 
Johanna (toim.) Education, Ethics and Diversity. A Publication in 
Honour of Professor Rauni Räsänen,
(pp. 9-32). Oulu: University of Oulu

Steensen, J. (2010). Er etnisk identitet kun for minoriteter? In: B. Day & J. Steensen (Eeds.), Kultur og etnicitet på arbejde: Professionelt arbejde i det flerkulturelle samfund (pp. 59-72). Århus: ViaSystime 













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